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Oakland School for the Arts

Oakland School for the Arts


Meta Show 1
METAMORPHOSIS All-School Arts Showcase: Featuring student performances from all Arts Pathways

a showcase of talent at the historic fox theatre

a showcase of talent at the historic fox theatre

Scene from the Wiz 2

Throughout the evening, we and our guests journeyed through the four stages of Metamorphosis. Accomplished via a uniquely designed curation of dance, vocal, instrumental, and theater performances coupled with multimedia collaborations among our media and visual arts, literary arts, fashion design, audio production and engineering, and production design pathways we were collectively transformed.
Together, we explored personal and community transformation stories as we celebrated this momentous occasion and our school's return to the historic Fox Theater at the center of the Uptown Oakland art scene.
Collage of four photos of OSA student performances


Opening Act

GENERATE: O Fortuna; Metamorphoses; Ode to Butterflies

GENERATE: O Fortuna; Metamorphoses; Ode to Butterflies

TRANSFORM: Butterfly; Gender Nonconformism; Emergence

TRANSFORM: Butterfly; Gender Nonconformism; Emergence

EXPAND: Atomic Dog (Collaboration with APE, Fashion & Production Design); The Wiz

Act 2
EXPAND: Atomic Dog (Collaboration with APE, Fashion & Production Design); The Wiz


Act 2

Bio photo of Kim Davagian, Dance Chair
Oakland School for the Arts returned to the big stage at the historic Fox Theater on April 29, 2024. After going dark during the pandemic, OSA showcased their student artists in their latest show METAMORPHOSIS!! This show featured a dynamic range of student work from all 10 Arts Pathways at OSA and highlighted themes of transformation, evolution, growth, and the natural generative process that is inherent in all aspects of life, creativity and the arts.
Metamorphosis graphic Image: Generate


"is spark, it's becoming, generate is the first draft, it is the first scratch, the starter lines, the brainstorming, the substance, it is the process of creating something line by line, page by page, generate can feel easy but unconscious to the point that after it's all over, it feels like a dream"


"finding value in the mundane and having the energy and perseverence to create further beauty from it, transform is cutting away filler and figuring out what's working and what's not until you get to the core of your message"


"amplifies the original power of a piece through revision and perspective, it is the ability to sit with an idea and to continue to elaborate and grow it, working towards a polished piece of work"


"the flourish of labor made into art, what becomes of your effort when the vision is crafted into reality, blossom is the finishing touch, inspired additions, the final cut of the cloth, it is the awe moment, stepping back from a piece and seeing it take on a life of its own"