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Oakland School for the Arts

Oakland School for the Arts

OSA Non-Discrimination Policy

What is Title IX?

Oakland School for the Arts (OSA) is a free, public charter school chartered by the Oakland Unified School District. OSA does not discriminate in admissions on the basis of academic history, academic preparation, citizenship, color, creed, English proficiency, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, gender expression, home language, home living situation, immigration status, learning differences, national origin, parental/guardian marital status, political affiliation, race, religion or spiritual practice, sexual orientation, or any other protected category.

Understanding Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. The law outlines prohibited conduct, including but not limited to:
  • Sexual harassment.
  • Failure to provide equal opportunities in athletics.
  • Discrimination based on pregnancy or parenting status.
To enforce Title IX, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) oversees compliance and investigates potential violations. The OCR operates through its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and 12 regional offices across the country.
Source: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (2021). Title IX and Sex Discrimination.

California Title IX Compliance

In accordance with California Education Code §221.6, all public schools that receive federal funding and are subject to Title IX must post the following information prominently on their official website:
  • The contact information of the Title IX Coordinator.
  • The rights of students and the public under Title IX.
  • A description of how to file a Title IX complaint, including timelines.
  • The procedure for filing a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
OSA remains committed to ensuring compliance with Title IX and creating an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and inequity. For more information or assistance, please contact

Section 221.8 Rights Under Title IX

The following rights, which are based on the relevant provisions of the federal regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681 et seq.), may be used by the department for purposes of Section 221.6:
(a) You have the right to fair and equitable treatment and you shall not be discriminated against based on your sex.
(b) You have the right to be provided with an equitable opportunity to participate in all academic extracurricular activities, including athletics.
(c) You have the right to inquire of the athletic director of your school as to the athletic opportunities offered by the school.
(d) You have the right to apply for athletic scholarships.
(e) You have the right to receive equitable treatment and benefits in the provision of all of the following:
  • Equipment and supplies.
  • Scheduling of games and practices.
  • Transportation and daily allowances.
  • Access to tutoring.
  • Coaching.
  • Locker rooms.
  • Practice and competitive facilities.
  • Medical and training facilities and services.
  • Publicity.
(f) You have the right to have access to a gender equity coordinator to answer questions regarding gender equity laws.
(g) You have the right to contact the State Department of Education and the California Interscholastic Federation to access information on gender equity laws.
(h) You have the right to file a confidential discrimination complaint with the United States Office of Civil Rights or the State Department of Education if you believe you have been discriminated against or if you believe you have received unequal treatment on the basis of your sex.
(i) You have the right to pursue civil remedies if you have been discriminated against.
(j) You have the right to be protected against retaliation if you file a discrimination complaint.

How to File a Complaint Under Title IX

  • Contact Information: Complaints can be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator:
  • Student Fee Complaints: Complaints alleging noncompliance with laws prohibiting the charging of unlawful student fees, deposits, or charges, or requirements related to the LCAP, may be filed anonymously if evidence or information leading to evidence is provided to support the allegation. Such complaints can be filed with the school principal or Title IX Coordinator but must be submitted no later than one year from the date of the alleged violation. (Education Code 49013, 52075; 5 CCR 4630)
  • Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Complaints: Complaints of unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying, may be filed by: 
    • A person alleging that they personally suffered discrimination.
    • A person alleging that an individual or specific class of individuals has been subjected to discrimination.
    • Complaints must be initiated within six months from the date of the alleged incident or from when the complainant first became aware of the facts. The deadline for filing may be extended by up to 90 days upon written request to the Superintendent or designee, specifying the reason for the extension. (5 CCR 4630)
  • Anonymous Complaints: When a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying, is filed anonymously, the compliance officer shall pursue an investigation or other response as appropriate, depending on the specificity and reliability of the information provided and the seriousness of the allegation.
  • Requests for Confidentiality: If the complainant or alleged victim requests confidentiality, the district will inform them that this may limit the district's ability to investigate the conduct or take other necessary action. When honoring a request for confidentiality, the district shall nevertheless take all reasonable steps to investigate and resolve/respond to the complaint consistent with the request.
  • Support for Filing a Complaint: If a complainant is unable to submit a written complaint due to disability or illiteracy, district staff will assist in filing the complaint. (5 CCR 4600)
  • Retaliation Complaints: Complaints alleging retaliation or unlawful discrimination (such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) must be filed not later than six months from the date it occurred, or six months from the date the complainant first obtained knowledge of the facts of the alleged unlawful discrimination. The time for filing may be extended for up to 90 days by the Superintendent or designee for good cause upon written request by the complainant setting forth the reasons for the extension.
  • Documentation and Follow-Up: All complaints are investigated promptly and resolved according to district procedures and state or federal laws.


1 - U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR): Website
  • National Office Contact:
    • Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building
      400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100
    • Phone: 800-421-3481
    • Fax: 202-453-6012
    • TDD: 800-877-8339
    • Email:
  • San Francisco Regional Office Contact:
    • U.S. Department of Education
      Office for Civil Rights
      50 United Nations Plaza, Mailbox 1200, Room 1545, San Francisco, CA 94102
    • Phone: 415-486-5555
    • Fax: 415-486-5570
    • TDD: 800-877-8339

2 - Office of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): Website
Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP):
  • All UCP-related complaints must be investigated and resolved within 60 calendar days of the district's receipt of the complaint unless the complainant agrees in writing to an extension of the timeline. (5 CCR 4631)
  • The Compliance Officer is responsible for maintaining records of all complaints and subsequent related actions. These records include steps taken during the investigation and information required for compliance with 5 CCR 4631 and 4633.
  • All parties involved will be notified when:
    • A complaint is filed.
    • A decision or ruling is made.
  • Confidentiality: The Compliance Officer shall keep all complaints or allegations of retaliation or unlawful discrimination (e.g., discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) confidential, except when disclosure is necessary to:
    • Conduct the investigation.
    • Take corrective action.
    • Conduct ongoing monitoring.
    • Maintain the integrity of the process. (5 CCR 4630, 4964)

Oakland School for the Arts (OSA) is committed to ensuring equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. OSA is committed to creating an environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics, including ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with any of these characteristics.

The Board shall promote programs which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all OSA activities. and prohibit retaliation against any OSA employee, student, or family member who complains, testifies, or in any way participates in the OSA complaint procedures instituted pursuant to the above policies.

Complaint forms are available at OSA’s main campus, located at 530 18th Street, or can be accessed below:

Address: 530 18th Street, Oakland, CA 94612 | Phone: 510.873.8800 | Email:

More information is available at FAMILY-RESOURCES
OSA's Title IX Policy

OSA's Title IX Policy

OSA's revised Title IX Policy was approved by our Board of Directors on April 21, 2022. Policy and Complaint form here